I don’t want to brag but I’m going to be sore tomorrow

9 Feb

A friend was visiting last weekend and amongst the million and one things we discussed, she and another one of the girls talked me into something I desperately needed: a reason to get my lazy butt back to the gym.  I almost fell off the treadmill twice.  I couldn’t remember the combination to my gym locker.  I did not look so hot post-run.  But I survived!

I couldn’t help but laugh to myself (okay, technically I laughed out loud and the guy on the machine next to me thought I was crazy…) when I looked down and realized I was wearing black leggings and a yellow tank.  The exact outfit I blogged about yesterday after subconsciously avoiding it for months.  No one there to crack the inside joke, just me laughing about something that used to have the potential to upset me.

I went home, made a quick dinner and sat in my living room while I ate sans the TV on.  Gym, laughing, enjoying quiet alone time?  Not such a bad night.

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